Patient’s Rights and Responsibilities

Many factors contribute to effective care and satisfaction for the patient, their family, the physician and the healthcare staff. The primary focus, however, is the patient who is entitled to certain rights and is expected to comply with certain responsibilities in order to successfully meet their healthcare needs. Patients shall have the following rights without regard to age, religious or gender preference, cultural or national origin, race or handicapped condition.


  • Every patient has the right to courtesy, respect, dignity, privacy, responsiveness, and timely attention to his/her needs.
  • Every patient has the right to receive care in a safe setting, free from all forms of abuse and harassment.
  • Every patient has the right to every consideration of his privacy) and individuality as it relates to his social, religious and psychological well being.
  • Every patient has the right to confidentiality and has the right to approve or refuse the release of medical information to any individual outside the facility, except in the case of a transfer
    to another health facility, or as required by law or third party payment contract.
  • Every patient has the right to express grievances or complaints without fear of reprisals.
  • Every patient has the right to continuity of health care. The physician may not discontinue treatment of a patient as long as further treatment is medically indicated, without giving the patient sufficient opportunity to make alternative arrangements.
  • Every patient has a right to change providers if other qualified providers are available.
  • Every patient is provided complete information regarding diagnosis, evaluation, treatment and prognosis, as well as alternative treatments or procedures and the possible risks and side effects associated with treatment. If medically inadvisable to disclose to the patient, such information is given to a person designated by the patient or to a legally authorized individual.
  • Every patient has the right to make decisions regarding the
    health care that is recommended by the physician, except when contraindicated for medical reasons. Accordingly, the patient may accept or refuse any recommended medical treatment.
  • Every patient has the right to be informed of any research or experimental projects and to refuse participation without compromise to the patient’s usual care.
  • Every patient has the right to appropriate treatment and care to include the assessment and management of pain.


  • Patients are responsible to be honest and direct about matters that relate to them, including answering questions honestly and completely.
  • Patients are responsible to provide accurate information regarding their medical history), current symptoms, hospitalizations, allergies and sensitivities, surgeries, the existence of advance directives, living wills or Medical Power of Attorney, medication (including over-the-counter products and dietary supplements) and other pertinent data.
  • Patients agree to accept all caregivers without regard to race, national origin, religion, sex, age, gender preference or handicap.
  • Patients are responsible for assuring that the financial obligations for health care rendered are paid in a timely manner.
  • Patients are responsible to sign required consents and releases.
  • Patients are responsible for their actions if they refuse a treatment or procedure, or if they do not follow or understand the instructions given them by the physician or surgery center employees.
  • Patients are responsible for keeping their procedure appointment. If they anticipate a delay or must cancel, the) will notify Advanced Surgical Center of Sunset Hills as soon as possible.
  • Patients are responsible for the disposition of their valuables, as Advanced Surgical Center of Sunset Hills does not assume responsibility.
  • Patients are responsible to be respectful of all healthcare providers, staff and other patients, or other people’s property and the property of Advanced Surgical Center of Sunset Hills.
  • Patients are to observe all safety and no smoking regulations.
  • Patients are to provide a responsible adult to transport them from the facility and remain with them for 24 hours, ii required by physician.

We strive to exceed your expectations at Advanced Surgical Center of Sunset Hills. However, ii you feel they have not been met, you may contact the Administrator at (314) 842-2607.
Office Of Civil Rights (ORC)
Kansas City, MO
TDD 80CH37-0833

MO Dept of Health
Jefferson City, MO
573-751-1 588

Joint Commission
Oakbrook Terrace, IL


Advance Directives

It is the policy os Advanced Surgical Center of Sunset Hills to respond to each patient’s Advance Directive for Healthcare as required under The Patient Self-Determination Act of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990. If an adverse event occurs during your treatment, the medical team will initiate resuscitative or other stabilizing measures and transfer you to an acute care hospital for further evaluation. At the acute care hospital, further treatment or withdrawal of treatment measures already begun will be ordered in accordance with your wishes, advance directive, or health care power of attorney. You will have the opportunity to discuss this with your physician pre-operatively.

Ownership Disclosure

Advanced Surgical Center of Sunset Hills is owned in part by several physicians in the community. The physician who is performing your surgery may be an owner.

Patient Survey

